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Driveway gates improve your property’s curb appeal and security. Additionally, with custom gates, you’ll add a beautiful aesthetic to your home unlike anyone else’s because you can choose from a variety of materials, colors, and design options that fit your eye. To help homeowners understand their options, the following highlights the benefits of a custom driveway gate.

Types of Driveway Gates

First, before diving into the benefits of a custom driveway gate, it is important to learn about the types of driveway gates. From the type of gate to material and color, determining the purpose of the custom gate helps inform your discussion with the fence and gate company to design, build, and install your driveway gate.

  • Swing Gates: The classic driveway gate offers a functional, yet elegant look and feel. Swing gates operate by swinging open and closed, providing a grand entrance to your property. Additionally, these types of driveway gates are available in various materials, including wrought iron, aluminum, and wood, allowing you to choose a style that complements your property.
  • Sliding Gates: Another popular gate for properties with limited space or inclined driveways. Sliding gates operate horizontally along a track, allowing them to open and close smoothly without requiring additional space for swinging. Plus, these gates offer excellent security and are typically made with durable materials such as steel or aluminum.
  • Automated vs. Manual Gates: Automated gates provide convenience and enhanced security with the ability to open and close gates remotely. Manual gates, while requiring physical effort to operate, can be more cost-effective and less complex to maintain.

Materials Used in Driveway Gates

Like various types of fencing utilize different materials based on the land and purpose, designing a custom driveway gate allows you to select your gate material as well. After all, the choice of material for your driveway gate impacts both its look and durability. For some inspiration, the following highlights the main types of materials for custom gates, along with some examples of our custom gate work.

  • Wood: Wooden gates offer a warm, traditional appearance and can be crafted to fit any size or style. 
  • Metal: Iron, steel, and aluminum are popular types of gates because they offer security, durability, and customization.
  • Composite Materials: These modern materials offer the look of wood or metal but with increased durability and minimal maintenance, which make them a practical choice for many homeowners.

Benefits of a Custom Driveway Gate

Custom driveway gates offer homeowners a variety of benefits. From privacy and security to aesthetic appeal, driveway gates should be designed with your needs and preferences in mind. To help understand how these gates fit into your lifestyle, the following highlights the primary benefits of driveway gates.

  • Enhanced Security: A properly designed and well-built driveway gate provides a deterrent to intruders, which improves the security of your home and family. Additionally, with a custom security gate, you can add integrated features such as cameras, coded keypads, and intercom systems that further enhance your security.
  • Increased Property Value: Potential buyers often view a high-quality custom gate as a premium addition, which indicates the entire property is secure and well-maintained. Plus, in neighborhoods with a focus on aesthetic appeal and privacy, the customized gate will ensure your property fits into the overall area.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: From the classic wood gate to the timeless elegance of wrought iron, a custom driveway serves as a stunning focal point for your home’s entrance.
  • Privacy: Driveway gates help reduce unsolicited visits and keep unwanted eyes away from your property and family. Depending on the design, a custom gate will often provide a physical barrier that shields your home from the street, which also allows a private (and safer) space for young children and pets.
  • Convenience: Adding an electric gate for your driveway offers the ultimate convenience because you and your family can open and close the gate without leaving your vehicle. In New England, the uncertain weather makes this a noteworthy benefit.
  • Controlled Access: Incorporating an access control system allows you to monitor and manage who enters and exits your property. This is especially useful for commercial properties that require strict access control.

Tips to Find a Custom Driveway Gate Company

From increasing your privacy or boosting your security to adding some elegance, installing a custom driveway gate provides homeowners peace of mind and offers a personal touch to their property. As custom gates are an investment, it is important to consider your specific needs and take the time to find a local fencing and gate company that has the required expertise to build, design, and install the driveway gate that reflects your style. 

Much like vetting a commercial fence company or residential fencing provider, choose a professional with experience and a portfolio of work that shows a range of solutions. Additionally, ensure any custom gate company you consider has the proper licenses and insurance coverage. Plus, the company should include its policy on warranties and support for work and materials. Finally, they should provide clear, detailed estimates and thorough, precise contract language. 

If you are looking for a custom driveway gate, then Orange Fence has the knowledge, expertise, and local experience to build the fence you desire. With over 90 years of fencing service experience for residential and commercial residents in southern Connecticut, we bring expertise and can help you design and install a custom driveway gate or fence for your needs. We look forward to collaborating with you on your upcoming project, so please contact Orange Fence today to start collaborating on your custom gate or fence installation!

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