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The surrounding terrain and curated landscape design on a residential or commercial property often influences both fencing and gates, as well as other aesthetic, security and privacy features. Given the unique needs of each individual property, along with personal preferences of each home or business owner, custom gates can be a popular choice. To help understand some of the key functions that custom gates can provide, the following questions aim to help you consider your custom gate design options.

What are custom gates used for?

In the same way that people choose to add a pool fence, garden fence or privacy fence, custom gates are also installed to serve a variety of purposes and built with various materials. As a result, gates serve multiple purposes on the property. For example, a driveway gate may not only designate the specific entry/exit point of the property but also increase privacy and curb appeal. Additional security features and specialized design options can also be integrated into the gate as specific to the property owner’s wishes. Conversely, commercial properties may leverage custom gates to provide some consistency in appearance, enhance the overall layout of the property or protect some portion of the property from customers (like garbage enclosures).

Custom Gate Design Questions to Optimize Your Property

Once you have decided upon the purpose or multiple functions that you’d like your custom gate to serve, you might then think about how to best integrate this installation into its surrounding landscape. The following questions may help you narrow your initial customization considerations prior to consulting with a fencing contractor. Additionally, these custom fencing tips may also be of use, if you are thinking of installing both fencing and gates during the same project.

  1. What materials would best fit with your current or anticipated fencing? Which options would align with the theme or design of your home’s architecture or the environment of your property? As with the many types of fencing, custom gates can be created from a variety of materials, such as metal, iron, wood and vinyl. Looking for some inspiration? Here are some examples of our custom gate work.
  2. Similarly, what color most appeals to you or fits best with your overall design aesthetic? Custom gate builds may offer the opportunity to incorporate multiple colors or highlight unique landscape features on your property, like a nearby stream or vibrant colors of the trees in fall and spring in addition to exterior building paint.
  3. What size gate will serve your desired functions and best suit the intended space? Custom gates allow for a design that is scaled appropriately for your purpose and to the surrounding terrain and other property features. 
  4. Are there any unique designs or privacy features that you want to incorporate? Do you have some custom ornamentation additions in mind that may echo architectural elements of the home on the gate itself? These selections can be easiest to include during initial installation and may also influence the material and color selections that would work best. 
  5. While you may have already decided where you’d like your custom gate to be located, does the terrain in that location require special consideration? Uneven ground or slope changes, for example, may necessitate customized adjustments to facilitate effective function in that preferred location.
  6. Similarly, how will your gate interact with any existing or anticipated garden beds or other plant features? Often green additions can make the gate seem like a more natural element on the property, so consider how your custom gate design may also leverage that benefit.
  7. Would the surrounding environment, products or services on the property benefit from any additional privacy or security features or otherwise influence material selection? For example, custom gates may need to account for both human and animal residents in their construction and security design, such as the inclusion of additional lighting features or dog-proofing the backyard

What Should I Look for in Working with a Custom Gate & Fence Company?

Much like vetting a commercial fence company or residential fencing provider, choose a custom gate professional with experience and a range of solutions. Additionally, ensure any fence or gate installation company shares the proper licenses and insurance coverage, along with offering warranties and support on work and materials. Finally, they should provide clear, detailed estimates and thorough, precise contract language. Since your customized requests drive your selection of a custom fence company, even more assurance as to the fencing company’s communication and collaboration skills is essential. 

If you are looking for a custom gate, then Orange Fence has the knowledge, expertise and local experience to build the fence you desire. With over 90 years of fencing service experience for residential and commercial residents in Southern Connecticut, we bring expertise and can help you design a custom gate or fence for your needs.

Our custom gate work provides clients with the unique opportunity to make this property feature be both a functional and stylistic enhancement. Its personalized design can add an extra special touch to your space and further highlight the incredible landscape into which it has been integrated. We look forward to collaborating with you on your upcoming project, so please contact Orange Fence today to start collaborating on your custom gate or fence installation!

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