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Commercial fencing needs to be durable, long-lasting, and tailored to the specific functional needs of your business and property. Often, those needs are substantial and include purposes beyond indicating the property boundaries. Finding a fencing company that will help you explore your business fencing options requires a thorough investigation. After all, you want to find a company whose work will not only provide the most value but also the greatest peace of mind.

What are some of the primary purposes of commercial fencing?

Before exploring commercial fencing companies near you, reflect on the intended functions that you want your fencing or any commercial gates to provide. Here are five purposes for installing commercial fencing beyond defining the property boundaries:

  1. Security is one of the primary reasons that businesses decide to install fencing on their property. Fencing provides a physical barrier and helps regulate access along with commercial gate installation and features like video monitoring. These functions also contribute to facilitating the preferred or necessary level of privacy.
  2. Fencing safeguards people, especially in environments where there may be dangerous areas, operations, or materials. For example, dumpster enclosures help keep out animals, but also ensure a clean aesthetic for restaurants, apartments, and similar businesses. It also ensures the safety of property by protecting equipment, products, and information.
  3. Commercial fencing contributes to the overall property value and appearance. Fencing can be selected or customized to align with the nature of the business or with the overall design aesthetic of buildings and landscapes in addition to other functional intentions.
  4. Depending on the nature of the industry or location, certain compliance requirements or other regulations may dictate fencing use and selection. For example, commercial fencing may be used to help reduce or block noise being created on the property or that may be surrounding the property.
  5. Finally, commercial fencing can assist in managing traffic flow into and out of the property and within it. It can keep area roadways from being obstructed or ensure that people use designated walkways.

After considering the functions you need in commercial fencing and brainstorming other features or customizations to optimize these purposes, it’s time to begin researching commercial fencing companies.

How do I evaluate commercial fencing companies near me?

The installation of commercial fencing and commercial gates are financial investments both in terms of the cost of installation and the anticipated purposes of the fencing. Therefore, vetting commercial fence companies near you merits careful research and consideration to avoid issues after the installation. To start, look for companies that offer free quotes and on-site consultations. Commercial fencing must ensure the nuances of your business are met, so meeting in-person to know the team and discuss your desires is a vital part of the process. Additionally, the following are some ideas to help your vetting and due diligence process to find a commercial fence company in your area.

  • Conduct online research on the company websites to determine if their services align with your fencing needs. Then, look at the available content to get a sense of their professionalism, resources, experience, and work. Also, explore offers for estimates or initial consultations.

Beware:  Are you unable to find a company website? Does the website provide little to no relevant information? Are work samples missing or is history with commercial fencing unclear? Is the information unclear or are you uncertain how to connect with the company? If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, you may want to reconsider adding them to your list of potential fencing companies.

  • Explore customer reviews from credible rating sites, publications, or social media outlets. Inquire about commercial fencing recommendations from trusted colleagues or at industrial locations in your area which may have the kind of fencing you are looking for. Asking the fencing company itself for references is another option.

Beware: Is the company unwilling to share references? Have you found a lack of reviews or a notable amount of negative reviews? These findings may indicate poor or unreliable service or products. It is also a good idea to rely on multiple information sources, not solely the company’s preferred references. Online reviews should be considered cautiously due to potential bias or other influential factors.

  • Confirm that the professionals are appropriately licensed and insured for your area. See if they have any other accreditations that provide insight into the quality of their craftsmanship or service or leadership in the industry.

Beware: License and insurance are essential for legal operation and the protection of you, the customer, and the commercial fencing professionals themselves. Without confirmed proof of both, remove the company from your list. As for credentials or engagement in professional organizations, proceed optimistically but know that even this participation is not a quality guarantee.

  • Communicate with the company about additional questions you have regarding their services or about information not provided on the website. If warranties and guarantees weren’t clear on the website, now may also be the opportunity to ask about them. A company’s responsiveness, clarity, and engagement may also determine whether or not you proceed to the next step, since it will give you an idea of their transparency, willingness to collaborate, and attention to detail. Look for a transparent company that works with you during the design process and offers a large range of fencing options.

Beware: Are any of the companies cagey about their project process or responding to your questions? Do they have only vague assurances about warranties on their materials and work or make offers that seem too good to be true? Do you find them difficult to communicate with or unclear in their responses? Think carefully about proceeding to the final part of the process, if you have any of these experiences during initial discussions.

At this point, you should have a smaller, more refined list of potential commercial fencing companies. Now, these remaining steps will help you make your final decision:

  • From the remaining three or so commercial fencing companies, request detailed quotes on commercial fencing and gates that contain information about the anticipated project timeline, costs, etc.
  • Compare the information provided by each company to weigh the cost with what you’ve learned about their reliability, communication, work quality, and other considerations. 
  • Once you decide which company to work with, be sure to apply the same care in reviewing the written contract to confirm that you are receiving the warranties, payment requirements, project timeline, and more that you expected.

Why choose Orange Fence & Supply as your commercial fencing company?

Installing a commercial fence around your property requires careful consideration of various factors. For example, one must consider the type of fence, various materials, access points, along with the installation process that limits interference with your business are all factors to consider when evaluating a commercial fence company. At Orange Fence & Supply, we offer free on-site consultations to design and install the right fence or security gate to address your immediate needs and offer the best long-term value for your property as well. Many local businesses choose Orange Fence as their commercial fence partner because we offer a variety of personal services, such as:

  • repairing existing structures.
  • fence replacement services. 
  • working on projects of any size – big or small.
  • free inspections (along with our free on-site estimates and consultations).

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best service and products, from installation to maintenance and repairs. The experts at Orange Fence & Supply work diligently to make our customers feel comfortable during the consultation and installation process. We take time to explain all of your options so you are knowledgeable about the process. For example, during a commercial fence installation, considering security requirements, aesthetics, and durability are all parts that business owners can rely on our experience to guide them transparently through the decision making process. Orange Fence & Supply is confident that we can recommend the best solution for your commercial fencing needs and we will always be available should you need any repairs down the road.

Finding a commercial fencing company near you may be a process. However, thoroughly conducting this process now may save you substantial time and money and protect you from unnecessary delays, quality concerns, and other headaches moving forward. For support in your search, questions about commercial or residential fencing, gate installations, or free estimates, contact Orange Supply.

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